Friday, December 11, 2009

Crawling and more

Max is crawling everywhere these days. He is quite good at it, too! And he absolutely loves being on the floor and going where he wants! Some things, you can just tell, even from a baby.
Max is now a bit over 10 months. He is even starting to pull up on things. He has tried pulling up on things for over a week now, but he made it into a standing position all by himself for the first time just 2 days ago! Wow. He will be taking off walking before I know it.
Max continues to grow and smile and be just a wonderful baby. He's had some fussy periods (fussy for him, but normal for most babies), but mainly it is due to sickness. He has had a bit of a cough and sniffles recently, but is finally getting better. But most of the time, he just hangs out content and happy. Well, I guess he doesn't like it when we tell him 'no.' But who does? He is not as stubborn as Canaan was (and is), but stops doing what he ask. However, he looks at us with this incredible poochy-lip frown and fusses at us to let us know he didn't like us ruining his fun. He also does this when I have to dig small, unknown objects from his mouth. Oh, the way our lives change when the babies begin to get around!
Max still has just 2 teeth. Funny, but no others have decided to pop up yet. In time.... He loves to kiss our chins, though he likes to test those teeth out sometimes too. I have been having to smack his mouth recently because he keeps biting everything and everyone. Maybe new teeth are trying to come through!
Max says 4 words, no new ones recently. Ma-ma, Da-da, ba-ba (bye-bye- but rarely says this), and Na-na (night-night- he tells us this one a lot when he is tired).
Max has found a new love: balls. Canaan was never very 'into' balls, but Max loves chasing them around the livingroom and bathtub. He will even slip in the tub, trying to chase a ball, and dunk his head under the water, but not cry. He seems to like music; if he is a bit fussy, this calms him. He likes stuffed animals too. Canaan wasn't a big fan of these either, but Max loves to cuddle and hug stuffed animals! Like Canaan, Max loves pulling our animal magnets off the fridge. I keep them low enough for him, and he likes to play with them. They are wonderful for when I am in the kitchen cooking and he joins me. They keep him occupied for a while. Of course, then he just moves on to measuring cups, or something else fun and noisy! Also, a favorite of Canaan, he still loves playing with cars. I think this is more because of Canaan! Too cute.
Max is actually nursing less during the day now. He really eats every meal with us and loves to eat! Sometimes he can tell we are feeding him something different and objects. We finally have a high chair for him, thanks to our team! We were waiting til we got moved to get one, and he is really happy. Funny how babies that young can have such preferences, but he does. I can tell a difference in how he likes to sit up, at our level, at the table, versus lower, in a walker, which is what we used before we had the high chair. But, he really has cut back on day-time nursing, though in the evenings and early mornings he has some 'good' feeding times (meaning he eats all of 10-12 minutes instead of 5)!
Well, that is all I can think of for now. Here are some pics of my precious boy!


David and Olivia said...

So this must be what you did last night without us! ;) Cute pictures and sweet post. He's another heart-breaker!!

Alison said...

You are right, he is a precious boy. And smart like his brother! (and his momma and daddy too, of course)
