Thursday, December 20, 2007

Growing Up!

So, this isn't a monthly update. Canaan is currently 13 1/2 months now. I just had a few things I wanted to write about since I am "WAAAAY overdue for a new post!" (Thus said Timbra.)

New Word:
Guess what? CANAAN SAID MOMMA! Horray! After adding over 30 words to his vocabulary, he has finally decided to say "Mamma." I ran downstairs in the basement and he called out, "Mamma, Mamma!" I ran up the stairs saying, "Here I am!" It was wonderful. He started signing "Mom" (not the exact sign- but something close) a few days ago. If his ball rolled under the table or he needed something, he would sign, "Mom. Help." It was cute. But now he is calling after me! Does this mean I am officially a Mommy now?!! Ornery: Canaan is just getting bigger everyday! He has a few new signs and words, some new games, and some new attitude! Today, he decided to disobey Mommy and not come when called; he just looked at me with a sparkle in his eye and slowly backed away from me. So, after he was properly disciplined (and then came to me much more willingly), Auntie Livi said that she didn't like him growing up and getting in trouble. These feelings are shared by Gran-Nan too, who in the past has offered to buy Canaan anything he wanted in a catalog after he got in trouble! Oh my! Games: Dougle was in the shower the other day. Canaan walked in the bathroom and started playing peek-a-boo with him behind the curtain. It was so cute, I had to snap a picture! Canaan just loves peek-a-boo these days. He just laughs and laughs! I just can't get enough of him some days! He also loves playing chase. He looks at you in a teasing way and then turns around and runs the other way. This means, "Chase me!" He will just go as far as he can, looking behind his shoulder the whole time to make sure you are following. If not, he kind-of giggles to get your attention and let you know he is playing with you, and that you should be playing with him!
Bible Class:
For the past few months, Canaan has been crying when I drop him off in the nursery for Bible Class. This is very sad to me, since I have always had the impression that he loves Bible Class. There were even a few times when the nursery had to page me because he wouldn't settle down enough to stay. It has got much better recently, so that he would only cry when I first dropped him off; then he would settle down and enjoy class. But now, Janie in the nursery has figured out that Canaan loves trucks. So, when we go to drop him off, she asks him if he wants a truck. Canaan immediately perks up, forgets about crying, and goes right to her! So, he now goes to Bible class without a worry! It is wonderful. Thank you Janie and all the nursery workers who allow me to enjoy my Bible class in peace!


Timbra said...

maybe i'm slack on the discipline, but alani has just started getting "in trouble" in the past month. . she now sometimes has to go to her room. it is really sad, like fifteen seconds behind a closed door makes her sob. but the other night i put her in there and then she tried to the naughty thing again several times (she bangs on the tv) and I'd say. . you're going to have to go to your room, and she'd run over to me and say no and jump in my lap. .it's nice when they "get it" because it's easier to just threaten the punishment and have them stop then to actually have to follow through if they follow through. . . ah, mommyhood!!! thanks for the updates i was missing canaan!

Anonymous said...

You were "Mommy" before Canaan was born. That he says your name now is the added blessing! =) Just wait and see what else Canaan will learn that will astound and bless you!