Monday, June 29, 2009

Canaan Sayings

Canaan comes up with new, funny things to say everyday. We just have a blast laughing with him. Here is just a tiny glimpse of our fun!

Canaan: leaning over in front of Max's face, Oh, Ok Max. To Mommy: Max want to play with me.
Mommy: Yes?
Canaan: He was callin' me!

Master of the Gross and Obvious
Canaan: That was my fingernail.
Mommy: Is it in your mouth?
Canaan: Yep.
Mommy: Yuk. Give it to me.
Canaan: after digging around in his mouth: I think it went all gone.

Drama King Seeks Confirmation
Canaan: What happened to my hands???
Mommy: They are dirty.
Canaan: After we get home, I will wash them?
Mommy: Ok.
Canaan: That is a great idea?!?!

Sweet Whisperings
Canaan Praying: Thank you for this, and this, and this, and everything!

Say That Again?
In the car on the way home:
Daddy: Canaan, are you awake?
Canaan: No.
Daddy: Do you want to sing?
Canaan: No, I want to sleep.

They Must Be Like Me!
Canaan reading a book to us: "...and Thomas took all the animals to their new apartment!" It was supposed to be, 'new home!'

Right Back At You
Mommy: very distracted, Canaan, it is time to get dressed. Take off your pants.
Mommy: again, and still distracted, Canaan, take off your pants.
Mommy: finally paying attention, Canaan, take off your pants!
Canaan: Mommy, don't ask me that again!

What Kind of Parents Are We?
Canaan: playing by himself, Nobody cares for me!
Canaan: another time, talking to me, Go Away! Leave me alone!
When Canaan spit out these sayings, we were baffled as to where they came from. Even Uncle David was concerned he might have said, "Go away, leave me alone" to Canaan and was feeling bad. Hearing these statements out of our two year old's mouth, we were feeling baffled and like bad parents! But then we discovered where they came from. The first one came from the book, The Little Read Caboose, that his MeeMaw gave him, we realized that is what the caboose says in the book! Now he quotes whole sections of that book when he is trying to go to sleep at night! "Go away! Leave me alone!" comes from the movie The Jungle Book. We have since corrected that by talking to him about how we don't say that to other people. It is not nice.


Jeanette said...

Oh I have totally experienced Oliver saying things that I wonder where he got them, once I heard him talking with his toys and one toy said to the other, "knock it off". I traced that one to a Wal-Mart incident and a mom saying it repeatedly to her kid only feet from Oliver.
My favorite things that Oliver says is:
Me: Oliver do you need to go to the bathroom?
Oliver: Almost
Me: Are you finished...
Oliver:"Oh, not quite yet"
and lately his new phrase is, "I'm asking you..." or "I'm telling you"

Timbra said...

okay, have i just been missing your posts lately? i rely on my sister's "updated" list on her blog for some of my favorite reads, but i noticed that it hasn't updated itself in like 5 days now. . . anyway, alani does this too, the repeating of things from movies or books at random times. . . and another thing. . hmm? now i can't remember

Timbra said...

oh yeah. . . . i've asked her something recently and she said "Like i told you three times mama!" or "I know, I know, you told me like three times!" well. . . repetition is the life at this age isn't it?!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no.....are you referring to me "meemaw?" I'm not sure if I should feel bad for giving him the book, or good because he's such a smart little guy.