Canaan and Daddy's Truck Being the MAN that he is, my hubby loves electronics and manly things like, say, trucks. So, remote control cars and helicopters really caught his attention this year. I knew it would be silly to buy him anything expensive since we are moving in a month, so I knew I'd hit the jackpot when I found one for less than $20. I immediately got it for him, thinking he and Canaan (the ultimate lover of trucks and all things with wheels) could have some real Father-Son bonding time with it. As soon as Canaan saw that Daddy was opening a truck, his jaw dropped and he uttered three times in the lowest and most drawn-out voice "TTTTRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!" It was so adorable. I snatched up the camera to try to video him saying it like that, but was too late. But the picture on the last blog entry says a lot. He just stood, repeating "TTRRUUCCKK" with his jaw wide open until we got it out of the package. (He almost had a breakdown because it took so long to get untied from the packaging.) Once we got it out and got the batteries in, Canaan was very unimpressed. This gigantic and beautiful truck ran over his little toes and moved around all by itself! Instead of this facinating Canaan, it scared him. No more remote-control truck for him. I was a bit bummed, but happy that Dougle liked it. It took about 24 hours, but Canaan eventually warmed up to the truck. I think he still prefers it when it is not moving on it's own, but I did hear Dougle and Canaan playing together with it one morning when I was upstairs enjoying a bit of sleeping in!
The Before-Christmas Gift
My mother, who was the most strict mother with my sister and I, is the most push-over of all grandmothers! It is so fun to see my mom as a grandmother. It is such a different role than I saw her as a mom. It makes me smile, laugh and shake my head! Well, Canaan was playing in the basement (my parents' bedroom) one morning and saw A CHRISTMAS PRESENT that his grandparents had got for him. He immediately recognized it as something colorful, with balls, that should be for him. He reached for the box and started motioning wildly about it. So, what could Gran-Nan do but open it up for him? "He doesn't know Christmas is supposed to be on a certain DAY." So, she struggled with unlocking the present from it's packaging (unlocking is the key word-if you've opened kid's toys recently), in front of the very excited and quickly becoming impatient Canaan. He was thrilled. It was a green, pull-toy caterpillar with three balls that spun around in circles as he pulled it around. It really was the perfect toy for our boy, because he loves pulling things behind him and he loves playing with balls. So, it was like two toys in one! What a lovely, silly Gran-Nan to give him his gift early!
My Ring