Thursday, August 16, 2007

Part Mommy, Part Daddy

As Canaan gets bigger, we see various resemblances in him. Some to a grandparent, aunt or uncle and some to Dougle and I. So I got out some baby pictures of Dougle and I when we were around 9 months old to compare. I thought I'd share them with you all. I am going to do something new and try to put a poll on this blog. You can vote on who you think Canaan most looks like. It will be fun, and if you can't see the results, then I will post something in a few weeks to tell everyone the results of the blog. I just thought it'd be fun, and I hope you do too!


Timbra said...

lucy is that a picture of you or canaan? seriously, it looks like its just a pic of canaan and dougle. . is that you??????? if so. . he's 100% YOU!

Guy and Nancy said...

yeah I agree with Timbra - I think he really looks like you Lucy. I guess I had not seen too many pictures of you as a baby. he favors Dougle too, but those eyes are yours Luc. Love u, Nan

Unknown said...

Yes, I think he looks more like me as a baby, but more like Dougle as an adult. His nose and up is Dougle's, but his mouth and cheeks are mine. That is my opinion anyway!!

Kim said...

lucy your baby pic is adorable. i also think that canaan's eyes also resemble yours. what a bunch of cute babies.